To travel or not to travel?
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Cozumel, Mexico
I became a certified diver in the summer of 2009. Lake Desmet is where I took my open water certification and it was cold and murky and the sun was setting. Shivering was an understatement and I had no flashlight, so it was quite entertaining swimming back to shore. I believed that warm clear, blue waters in a nice hot place would probably be more enjoyable to dive, late in the evening. So, away we went in December to a nice hot place with nice warm waters. Cozumel, my first experience in diving the ocean. Looking back it was the best, colors, sealife, weather, dive guides, group to dive with, room with hot tub, all inclusive and did I mention the water was warm, warm, warm. I still believe that cozumel has the best colors and the drift diving is amazing. A truly enjoyable vacation which made me want to plan the next dive trip the moment I walked into my home afterwards. The snow and freezing tempertures had nothing to do with my desire to fly to warmer climates either. Oh, and not to forget this was the first sighting of a seahorse, my goal on every dive trip! The elusive seahorse, it was amazing.